Saturday 7 December 2013

Who Is Inky boo?

Well now, the name of this blog is named after our darling little boy, Inky Boo the black pug!
He is currently 2 years old, and enjoys watching the tv, chasing birds, eating sausages and sleeping.
He is very tiddly, even though he is fully grown now, he is only around a foot tall from his front paws to the top of his noggin!

So here are some pictures of little Inky Boo for you to enjoy!




And two of my personal favorites ....

Inky watching Dog the Bounty Hunter, one of his favourites. And trying to climb out of the bath!

So why NOT name a blog after this cutie pie! After all, im sure there will be a few updates, mentions and pictures of him to come!

Love and lollies,



  1. Cannot handle the adorableness! I have dreamed of having a little black pug for years now you are very lucky!^__^

    1. Aw thankyou! He is the cutest! Such a funny personality! I recommend anyone getting a pug, they are amazing dogs :) x
